Nfracturas humero proximal pdf

Early results for treatment of three and fourpart fractures of the proximal humerus using the philos plate system. Examenes complementarios anatomia complicaciones lesiones vasculares. Orif of 3 and 4 part fractures of the proximal part of the humerus, wijgman. Fracturas del tercio proximal del humero slideshare. Although the majority can be managed nonoperatively, the optimal treatment of displaced or complex fractures remains controversial. Neer divide las fracturas del humero proximal en 6 grupos. Scribd is the worlds largest social reading and publishing site. Fracture displacement and screw cutout after open reduction and locked plate fixation of proximal humeral fractures. Pdf fracturas humero proximal felix holguin academia. Fraturas em duas e tres partes do umero proximal tratadas com sutura nao absorvivel 335 rev bras ortop. Clases residentes, htal misericordia, servicio oyt, 141015 2. Artrosis primaria artrosis postraumatica artritis reumatoidea osteonecrosis con afeccion glenoidea iii.

Fraturas em duas e tres partes do umero proximal tratadas com. Escapula y humero proximal hombro sistema musculoesqueletico. Humero proximal jose castro obeso mdico residente hngai epidemiologa frecuencia. Lessons learned from treating patients with unstable multifragmentary fractures of the proximal humerus by minimal invasive plate osteosynthesis. Hemiarthroplas ty is indicated for three and fourpart proximal humeral fractures in elderly patients with poor bone stock and. Proximal humeral fractures account for 5% of all fractures. Fracturas del humero proximal artropatia por lesion del manguito rotador artritis reumatoidea o lesion masiva del manguito rotador o deficit oseo glenoideo ii. Treatment may be conservative or surgical and depends on factors related to the patient and the kind of fracture. This is a descriptive, retrospective, observational study with a 612 month followup of patients older than 60 years of age with a diagnosis of fracture of the proximal humerus managed conservatively between january 2004 and november 2009. Fractura del extremo proximal del humero medigraphic.

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